Dienstag, 29. April 2008

Salesforce.com + Google Apps (Verdict: Good, but occasionally frustrating)

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Salesforce.com + Google Apps (Verdict: Good, but occasionally frustrating)--People are more addicted to Gmail than Outlook. This signifies a big change in the way business users consume e-mail applications.

AMD quad-core chip hits compatibility snag--High-end Phenom chips face compatibility issues with some system boards as the chipmaker struggles to churn out chips competitive with Intel.

Prince covers Radiohead @ Coachella--Radiohead wasn't able to play Coachella this year, so Prince did his own version of their first single, "Creep."

Tudou, after facing death by Chinese regulator, pulls in $57 million--Video-sharing Web site, which had been scolded for insufficient censorship (namely, of porn) and faced either threats or rumors of a government shutdown as recently as last month, is looking a little healthier this week.

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