Mittwoch, 30. April 2008

IBM tools aim lighten the (energy) load at data centers

Big Blue is ramping up its efforts to business of selling power-saving technologies with new tools designed to track and cap data-center energy consumption.

Adobe toys with standardizing DNG raw photo format

Adobe's Digital Negative format hasn't caught on widely. Standardizing might help, and Adobe has given DNG to a major standards group to evaluate.

Buzz Bissinger is an angry man (and he has a potty mouth)

In a debate on HBO, the celebrated sports author rants, raves, and shows he has serious issues with sports blogs.

White House loses e-mail during 'upgrade,' gets sued

After e-mail upgrade results in two lawsuits and a high-level resignation, a judge says he wants more answers from White House in lost e-mail fiasco.

Personal, 'green' airplanes propel forward

As orders are taken for the world's first two-seater electric aircraft, advocates of personal air travel envision an era of clean skies and zippy commutes by air.

Report: Microsoft board fails to decide on Yahoo

The Wall Street Journal reports late Wednesday that Microsoft's board wrapped up its meeting without deciding on the fate of its Yahoo bid.

Schmidt: Google couldn't keep up with new hires

Google is slowing down its pace of hiring so employees don't get lost in the cracks. But it's not slowing down its cushy benefits.

Microsoft still moving in slo-mo on Yahoo

The software maker's board is said to be meeting Wednesday, but so far no word on what they've decided.

Schmidt says Google still scratching head over YouTube profits

CEO confirms that YouTube hasn't figured out yet how to make money. Promises new advertising methods.

Why is Estonia a tech hub? Answer partly in documentary

The Singing Revolution documents how Estonia achieved independence relatively quietly. And it's prosperous today. Hmmmm.

Pioneer's HTS-LX70 home theater system is stylish, but costs a lot

Pioneer has released the HTS-LX70 home theater system, which features stylish looks and a sky-high price.

From Net access to flowers: United Media buys FTD

In what appears to be an odd pairing, United Media, which owns dial-up Internet provider NetZero, is buying florist FTD for $456 million.

Microsoft hopes new photo tool will boost Windows

A free new utility, Pro Photo Tools, is designed to help photographers add location data to their photos--and to help Microsoft tout Windows.

Podcast: HP's memory breakthrough

A discovery could lead to commercialization of denser, more energy-efficient memory chips.

If Ballmer bolts, who will lead Microsoft?

As Microhoo madness heats up, veteran Microsoft watcher Mary Jo Foley asks: Where are the company's next leaders coming from?

Report: Microsoft board met Wednesday

Microsoft's board is meeting Wednesday to evaluate its options for taking over Yahoo, the Wall Street Journal reported.

Politicos ponder new action against e-waste

As old TVs, monitors, and gadgets pile up in landfills, Congress is again questioning what new laws are needed to encourage more efficient recycling and reuse.

Adobe guru to improve Windows interface

Adobe guru Mark Hamburg apparently will work on Windows' user experience. His recent Adobe work gives a clue about his design goals: 'elegance,' 'personality'

Microsoft serves law enforcement free COFEE

USB drive pulls together existing Windows forensic tools for on-the-fly data capture by law enforcement agents.

Schmidt on CNBC: We're concerned about Microhoo

In a taped appearance on the cable news outlet, Google's CEO makes it clear he isn't keen on Microsoft acquiring Microsoft

Yahoo, Microsoft and Google share up in late trading

Shares of Yahoo, Microsoft and Google were on the rise in late morning trading, as the software giant moves closer to revealing its plans to push Yahoo to the negotiating table.

Psystar's Open Computer arrives at CNET

The Open Computer, a Mac OS X Leopard desktop not made by Apple, has arrived at the offices of CNET Reviews in New York.

Study: Our friends are the best product reviewers

More people put stock in the product opinions of those they know than in published reviews.

First Solar aiming at $1 billion in revenue this year

Despite experts saying a fall is imminent, First Solar continues to climb.

Photos: UAVs land in the Smithsonian

The National Air and Space Museum pays tribute to unmanned military aircraft like the Predator and the tech advances behind them.

Microsoft's Blue Hat talks start Thursday

Thursday will be for executives, but Friday's general sessions will feature cutting-edge security researchers on token kidnapping and phishing attacks.

Obscure Microsoft product halts Windows releases

A compatibility glitch with the latest versions of Windows has cast the spotlight on Dynamics Retail Management System, a tool to help mid-size retailers manage their stores.

Wikimedia Foundation restructures its board

Under the terms of the changes, the board will add two "chapter-selected" seats and will formalize Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales' spot with a "community founder" seat.

Radiohead won't repeat 'In Rainbows' giveaway

Thom Yorke tells Hollywood Reporter that the promotion was a "one off."

Blu-ray player sales down despite end of format war

Standalone player sales not benefiting from HD DVD's exit from the market.

McKinsey: servers need a MPG-like energy rating

A study on data center energy consumption paints an ugly picture of runaway costs and hefty carbon footprint. It calls for measuring both facility efficiency and IT utilization

HP makes memory from a once theoretical circuit

Over three decades ago, a Berkeley professor theorized that there should be a circuit that can remember what's happened to it. Now, HP is demonstrating it actually exists.

3Com's new chief to be based in China

CEO Bob Mao, who speaks fluent English and Mandarin, will be based in China, signifying the company's commitment to the Chinese market.

Proposed new piracy penalties advance in House

House panel unanimously backs bill that would appoint new intellectual property enforcers and allow the feds to seize equipment used to commit infringement.

Robots to swarm English village in military contest

Featured links from the CNET Blog Network

Robots to swarm English village in military contest--U.K. Ministry of Defense is sponsoring its version of the DARPA Challenge this summer, with robot teams scouting out potential dangers.

Latest quad-cores creep into consumer desktops--Latest chips from Intel and AMD are finding a home in consumer desktops from HP and Gateway.

Microsoft opens up to Linux for System Center, but on a very short leash--Company is supporting Linux as a target OS in its System Center product, but only Linux that it controls.

dBpoweramp for music file format conversion--I had a problem: a library of WMA files that my new iPod Shuffle couldn't play. dBpoweramp is the solution.

Robots to swarm English village in military contest

Featured links from the CNET Blog Network

Robots to swarm English village in military contest--U.K. Ministry of Defense is sponsoring its version of the DARPA Challenge this summer, with robot teams scouting out potential dangers.

Latest quad-cores creep into consumer desktops--Latest chips from Intel and AMD are finding a home in consumer desktops from HP and Gateway.

Microsoft opens up to Linux for System Center, but on a very short leash--Company is supporting Linux as a target OS in its System Center product, but only Linux that it controls.

dBpoweramp for music file format conversion--I had a problem: a library of WMA files that my new iPod Shuffle couldn't play. dBpoweramp is the solution.

iPod survey is back open

Please take our iPod survey in preparation for a story next week examining the future of the device that revived Apple.

Seagate: 1 billion hard drives and counting

The storage device maker hits a milestone.

Switching, virtualization, and more at Interop

Attendance is down at Interop Las Vegas 2008, but the networking industry is making the best out of it.

Quick appellate review of patent claim constructions: Is the door opening for interlocutory appeals?

In his remarks at the 23rd Annual Intellectual Property Law Conference of the American Bar Association, Judge Michel - the Chief Judge of the Federal Circuit - cautioned that lawyers should not automatically assume that the Federal Circuit will refuse to

OMG! The Webby Awards are coming!

The annual digital-media awards will be held in June in New York. Until then, there's a whole lot else going on to distract us.

SAP's Business ByDesign taking the slow road

SAP announced that the phased roll out for its on-demand enterprise suite, Business ByDesign, is moving much slower than previously expected.

Dienstag, 29. April 2008

Another team joins race to advance chip software

Stanford is partnering with six PC and chip makers to create software that will allow chips to more efficiently process many tasks at the same time, according to a report in the New York Times.

Report: Microsoft earmarks $1.5 billion to keep Yahoo employees

Microsoft expects to spend upward of $1.5 billion to retain Yahoo employees, should it be successful in its unsolicited takeover attempt of the Internet search pioneer, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal.

Court rejects RIAA's 'making available' piracy argument

Judge denies labels' motion for summary judgment against couple accused of making song files available for download, clearing the way for the suit to go to trial.

Yahoo president's salary up, overall pay down

Sue Decker gets a raise, but stock and option compensation declines in 2007. CEO Jerry Yang still got $1.

Reports of 'GTA IV' freezing-up problems

Users of the hit new game are flooding forums with complaints that it is freezing their consoles.

Chipmakers team up for home-networking standard

Intel, Texas Instruments, and others say powerline networking is the future of the connected home.

Blabatocracy's new mantra: All Jeremiah Wright, All the Time

Thanks to the spectacular vapidity of corporate media, I feel a rant coming on. But Chris Tolles' experience at suggests there's a viable alternative.

Lenovo takes a page from the Steve Jobs playbook

Company's parody of the Macbook Air commercial promoting the X300 ultramobile PC gives Apple a taste of its own advertising medicine.

Nvidia to make all your PC games 3D (if you so choose)

Beginning this summer, any PC with an Nvidia graphics processor will be able to make any game 3D--with the help of those dorky glasses, anyway.

The largest and smallest Mac clones around

One Psystar customer has reported receiving an Open Computer, while a customer of Oqo's handheld computer has figured out a way to get Leopard running.

iPhone as electronic airplane boarding pass

Blogger gets on American Airlines plane after scanning PDF of electronic ticket on iPhone.

Sony BMG in talks with Project Playlist, bucks other labels

Music company negotiates with start-up accused in a copyright lawsuit filed by other major labels of helping people find unauthorized music files.

Yahoo exec: Peek into your ad profile

Yahoo's Jeff Weiner talks at a social-media confab about an open system that lets people see why the company targets a specific advertisement to them.

Report: AT&T to sell 3G iPhone at $200 discount

Is Apple about to have a two-tiered pricing structure for the 3G iPhone, with AT&T offering iPhones for $200 less than Apple?

FWIW: sum 1 wuz mugd : (

New service, TipSoft SMS, offers anonymity for reporting crime tips via text message.

Madonna, live on your cell phone

Verizon Wireless and Vodafone will be offering a live simulcast of Madonna's launch concert for her new album on Wednesday.

SEC suit recommended against Google director

The regulator's staff recommends a civil lawsuit against Google board member Ann Mather regarding stock option transactions made while she was Pixar's CFO.

'EA Land' closing just weeks after debut

After re-branding "The Sims Online," Electronic Arts decides to pull the plug on the struggling game's successor.

Will PG&E give rebates for old air conditioners?

PG&E CEO Pete Darbee speaks out on energy efficiency, solar power and nuclear. He likes them all.

'GTA IV' poised to break entertainment sales record

Though first-day sales numbers may not be known until next month, early reports indicate that the latest game in the hit series could topple the record set last year by Halo 3.

Podcast: Advice for America's amateur inventors

The Electronic Frontier Foundation says Microsoft has betrayed its customers; and disappearing ink is back again, this time with real-world uses.

Rumor: Social bookmarking site Mister Wong acquires

There's no indication of why Mister Wong, a European site that resembles a blend between Delicious and StumbleUpon, would want the FriendFeed-like

Microsoft cuts Xbox 360 prices in Asia

Costs are reduced from 5 percent to nearly 20 percent.

The future of the iPod

The device most responsible for Apple's 21st century renaissance gets short shrift these days next to the Mac and the iPhone. What lies in store for the iPod?

Report: Microsoft leaning toward proxy fight

Redmond may announce its plans and its opposition slate of directors on Wednesday, according to CNBC.

Hard evidence presented in New Jersey e-voting discrepancies

Printed voting audits may help to detected fraud--unless the vendor offers a good excuse.

Media execs size up video's future on the Web

Media executives from YouTube, FastCompany.TV, and Revision3 talk about the economics of selling video to users and advertisers. The future is fuzzy.

Microsoft's dissident-directors slate taking shape

TechCrunch rolls out a few more names for folks to chew on should the software giant enter into a proxy fight with Yahoo.

Vista SP1 auto updates also halted

Microsoft says it has stopped automatically updating machines to Vista Service Pack 1 after discovering a bug that can cause problems between the OS and another of the company's products.

Google issues warning about phishing e-mails

Official Google Blog posting, which is one in a series on online security, also offers ways to avoid such attacks.

Google map directions get Street View

When checking driving directions online, clicking a camera icon will show a photo of the area where drivers need to turn.

Sunrgi's 'extreme' solar concentrators to match grid power

A start-up shows off a prototype of a solar concentrator that packs some serious heat--but that also boosts the efficiency of solar cells significantly. + Google Apps (Verdict: Good, but occasionally frustrating)

Featured links from the CNET Blog Network + Google Apps (Verdict: Good, but occasionally frustrating)--People are more addicted to Gmail than Outlook. This signifies a big change in the way business users consume e-mail applications.

AMD quad-core chip hits compatibility snag--High-end Phenom chips face compatibility issues with some system boards as the chipmaker struggles to churn out chips competitive with Intel.

Prince covers Radiohead @ Coachella--Radiohead wasn't able to play Coachella this year, so Prince did his own version of their first single, "Creep."

Tudou, after facing death by Chinese regulator, pulls in $57 million--Video-sharing Web site, which had been scolded for insufficient censorship (namely, of porn) and faced either threats or rumors of a government shutdown as recently as last month, is looking a little healthier this week. + Google Apps (Verdict: Good, but occasionally frustrating)

Featured links from the CNET Blog Network + Google Apps (Verdict: Good, but occasionally frustrating)--People are more addicted to Gmail than Outlook. This signifies a big change in the way business users consume e-mail applications.

AMD quad-core chip hits compatibility snag--High-end Phenom chips face compatibility issues with some system boards as the chipmaker struggles to churn out chips competitive with Intel.

Prince covers Radiohead @ Coachella--Radiohead wasn't able to play Coachella this year, so Prince did his own version of their first single, "Creep."

Tudou, after facing death by Chinese regulator, pulls in $57 million--Video-sharing Web site, which had been scolded for insufficient censorship (namely, of porn) and faced either threats or rumors of a government shutdown as recently as last month, is looking a little healthier this week.

Symantec's Norton user forum in beta

For the first time, Norton users can talk amongst themselves about product issues or solicit responses from the Symantec staff without paying extra.

Site created to share Live Mesh invites

Blogger Long Zheng creates a site where those with Live Mesh invites can share them with others eager to try out the Microsoft service.

Rogue trader/hacker Kerviel lands a job ... in computer security

Jailed high-risk financial trader Jerome Kerviel takes a job in Paris for a computer security company.

To green the Capitol, lawmakers follow tech titans

Members of Congress aiming to green the U.S. Capitol are following the lead of Silicon Valley.

Steve Ballmer's to-do list for the 'day after'

When he looks down his bench, Microsoft's CEO doesn't have a no-brainer choice to put in charge of Yahoo. This occasion may call for a Solomonic decision.

iPhone now supported by Check Point VPN-1

With Check Point VPN software tool, existing gateway users can now securely access an enterprise via the iPhone.

Senators, states beat up on Real ID plans

Homeland Security has postponed rollout of the new driver's license standards, but some politicians worried about cost and privacy still favor killing the controversial law.

XP update delayed over glitch

Microsoft says just-found problem prevents Windows XP Service Pack 3 and Windows Vista Service Pack 1 from working properly with its own retail management product.

Is it time to talk about 'peak water'?

Worsened by growing demand, fresh water supplies are being stressed just like oil. Water tech can play a part.

Mac Messenger still trying to find its voice

Latest version of Microsoft's instant-messaging program for Macs enables corporate users to exchange video and audio messages, but consumers will have to wait awhile.

EFF: Microsoft betrayed MSN Music customers

Advocacy group sends letter to Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer advising him to issue refunds after doing away with DRM-licensing servers.

Updated SlingPlayer Mobile software now available

Sling Media is rolling out improved versions of its mobile software for watching live TV on compatible Windows Mobile, Windows Smartphone, and Symbian S60 devices.

AOL opens AIM voice-call interface

AOL begins sharing its programming interface for Internet phone call abilities, part of an effort to profit more from its instant-messaging service.

Images: 'Grand Theft Auto IV' hits the streets

Rockstar Games puts more larceny, murder, and mayhem on the streets of Liberty City in the latest and best, according to GameSpot, version of Grand Theft Auto.

Oracle closes BEA Systems merger

Enterprise software applications giant Oracle announces it closed its $6.7 billion merger with BEA Systems, ending its contentious effort to acquire its former rival.

iPhone coming to Canada later this year

Rogers Communications announces it will offer the iPhone in Canada later this year

Terrorist threat rewrites the book on biowar

Institute updates treatise on biological warfare.

Start-up hopes to outdo eBay with online market

Wigix believes its Nasdaq-style, community-boosted trading system is better than eBay's auctions for selling most things. But the company faces formidable challenges.

Insiders debate social media's influence on Election '08

Online media execs consider blogs, podcasts, and sites like Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter the "wild card" in this fall's presidential election.

Yelp to businesses: Deal with our users yourselves!

Reviews site launches Yelp for Business Owners, which encourages companies to monitor activity on their pages and communicate with users who've reviewed them.

Software monitors the weather in your data center

There's an awful lot of humidity over by the hard drives. Start-up SynapSense says its software will give a more accurate view of the environment inside server rooms.

Yahoo Messenger will power premium voice service with Jajah

Beginning later this year, the telephony start-up will take over customer service, payment processing, and network infrastructure for Yahoo's VOIP service.

Critics slam 'GTA IV' without test drive

Politicians and organizations seek to cut off Grand Theft Auto IV even before its midnight Tuesday release.

New way to save energy: Disappearing ink

Xerox has paper you can use again and again, which could cut down on energy and the cost of recycling.

Montag, 28. April 2008

AMD quad-core chip hits compatibility snag

High-end Phenom chips face compatibility issues with some system boards as the chipmaker struggles to churn out chips competitive with Intel.

AMD quad-core chip hits compatibility snag

High-end Phenom chips face compatibility issues with some system boards as the chipmaker struggles to churn out chips competitive with Intel.

Tudou, after facing death by regulator, gets $57M in financing

Tudou, which had been scolded for insufficient censorship (namely, of porn) and faced either threats or rumors of a government shutdown as recently as last month, is looking a little healthier this week.

Cox buys online ad start-up for $300 million

Online ad platform Adify helps other companies develop their own ad networks.

Silicon Alley Insider creates start-up valuation index

How much is Facebook, Wikipedia, or Twitter worth? Silicon Alley Insider has created a real-time valuation index for the hot Web start-ups.

Miasole out, Global Solar in on solar contract

Dow Chemical replaces Miasole with Global Solar on its solar roof project. Sources also say Miasole will not get its own DOE grants renewed.

MySpace wins suit against 'spam king'

Accused in lawsuit of spamming MySpace users, Sanford Wallace fails to show up for court and loses default judgment.

'Grand Theft' reviews gives Take-Two a boost

Shares of game publisher Take-Two were up on the heels of positive reviews of the forthcoming video game Grand Theft Auto IV.

Lessons from a Web 1.0 archeological dig

Think the tech set is getting carried away? Our writer found a BroadVision lint brush, a RedHerring smart card, a BackWeb first-aid kit and some dot-com boom perspective while cleaning the garage.

Small Sister Project launched to fight Big Brother

Dutch privacy activist launches Web site designed to make it easy for anyone to use privacy protection tools online.

Hans Reiser guilty of first-degree murder

Following a long, drama-filled trial, a jury in Oakland, Calif., finds the Linux programmer guilty of murdering his estranged wife, whose body has never been found.

Xerox melts ink to stay green

At famed Palo Alto Research Center, the company previews advances in solid ink technology for consumer desktop printers.

Microsoft hosts its own police academy

Law enforcers from around the world get three days of training from Redmond on how to use technology in fighting cybercrime as well as other types of crime.

How far off is the CEO Twittering era? Closer than you may think

Sun CEO Jonathan Schwartz helped popularize corporate blogging. So CNET's Charles Cooper asks him about the likelihood he and fellow CEOs will take the next logical step.

Razorfish cofounder Jeff Dachis offering advice again

The one-time high flier will once again be selling his expertise. But does he know anything about social networking?

Lenovo's 11-inch IdeaPad now available

Small, consumer-oriented notebook will be available at retail in the next few weeks.

Intacct raises $15 million in funding

The on-demand financial management and accounting applications company receives funding from Bessemer Venture Partners and others.

Hospital techies urge limits on 'white space' Wi-Fi

Google, Microsoft, and others are eager to take advantage of speedy wireless broadband on unused TV bands, but hospitals worry interference could knock vital patient monitors offline.

What Twitter brings to the party

While Twitter hasn't caught on with mainstream Web users, it's all the rage in the digerati echo chamber. Is that unbridled enthusiasm justified?

Podcast: Battle lines forming over latest 'Grand Theft Auto'

Deal or no deal on Microsoft-Yahoo? Why biodiesel is feeling the pinch, and girding for the latest release of Grand Theft Auto.

Democrats vote for Microsoft

Although they still haven't centered on a presidential candidate, Democrats have picked the Web technology for their upcoming convention and Microsoft is the winner.

Security expert says don't blame Microsoft for mass Web site defacements

Now that the bad guys have found a generic way to attack SQL-based Web sites, look for more attacks in the near future.

Want a plug-in hybrid? Get in line for a battery

Battery maker A123 systems is offering an "upgrade" of a Toyota Prius to a plug-in hybrid. Depending on driving conditions, drivers can get over 100 miles per gallon.

RIAA files copyright suit against Project Playlist

Music industry accuses company that makes embeddable music player of infringing on intellectual property.

Images: What's up in Microsoft's Office Labs

Software giant wants to engage developers and others on projects percolating in-house. First up: help for users searching for commands in the Ribbon interface.

New Prius to be bigger, better

Details on the new Toyota Prius include a longer body, more horsepower, and better fuel economy.

Microsoft funds research for computer energy efficiency

Microsoft steps up its "green IT' initiatives with $500,000 in research grants to lower computers power consumption.

What you need from your Email system (test-driving Google Apps Premier)

Everyone I know is reliant on email. Is your system giving you what you need?

FCC dealt setback in broadband-over-power-lines push

After legal challenge from amateur radio operators, appeals court tells federal regulators to revisit rules designed to speed rollout of new Internet service while preventing interference.

Intel links with Cray for supercomputers, denting AMD

The two companies enter into a multiyear agreement on high-performance computing. That's not going to sit well with AMD.

Yahoo directors battle-tested on "hostile" takeover fights

As Yahoo and Microsoft prepare to do battle, two of Yahoo's directors are battle-tested.

Biodiesel plants idled by rising soybean prices

The burgeoning biofuels industry continues to have growing pains with the cost of soybean oil has more than doubled in the past year, squeezing producers.

Verizon is still on a roll

Verizon Communications saw big first quarter gains thanks in large part to demand for wireless and its Fios fiber service.

Hand-coding HTML is still hip

Featured links from the CNET Blog Network

Hand-coding HTML is still hip--Who would have thought that 13 years later I would still be using HTML tags in my every day life, muses Dave Rosenberg.

Dell, HP launch AMD business desktops--Dell and HP launched AMD-based business desktops on Monday as AMD tries to gain more traction in small business.

My 2:42 playlist--At least two people have separately come to the conclusion that 2:42 is the perfect length for a song.

Democratic exclusivity: micro-dining--After reading and talking so much recently about the concept of "democratic exclusivity" (first coined by Ed Cotton on the Influx Insights blog and then promoted by the relentless Piers Fawkes), I was delighted to finally experience it myself.

Hand-coding HTML is still hip

Featured links from the CNET Blog Network

Hand-coding HTML is still hip--Who would have thought that 13 years later I would still be using HTML tags in my every day life, muses Dave Rosenberg.

Dell, HP launch AMD business desktops--Dell and HP launched AMD-based business desktops on Monday as AMD tries to gain more traction in small business.

My 2:42 playlist--At least two people have separately come to the conclusion that 2:42 is the perfect length for a song.

Democratic exclusivity: micro-dining--After reading and talking so much recently about the concept of "democratic exclusivity" (first coined by Ed Cotton on the Influx Insights blog and then promoted by the relentless Piers Fawkes), I was delighted to finally experience it myself.

Photos: High-tech fashion, San Francisco style

Tricked out and trippy describe the high-tech fashion that emerged on the catwalk at opening night of the San Francisco Exploratorium exhibit, 2nd Skin.

Photoshop guru leaves Adobe for Microsoft

Mark Hamburg, the second engineer to work on Adobe Systems' Photoshop and a leader of the Lightroom software project, is headed to Microsoft.

Yahoo shares edge down, following Microsoft deadline expiration

Shares of Yahoo fell slightly in morning trading, following the expiration of Microsoft's deadline to hammer out a friendly merger over the weekend. The software giant is now moving onto its next plan of action.

Apple gives iMac chips a boost

Seeking to add a little more processing speed, the Mac maker adds a 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo Penryn processor with up to 6MB of cache memory and a 1,066MHz front-side bus.

Mother of dancing toddler in YouTube-Prince video case faces setback

Federal judge in San Jose, Calif., dismisses lawsuit brought by the Electronic Frontier Foundation against Universal Music alleging copyright misuse, but the case isn't exactly dead yet.

Here come the solar tech financiers

Start-ups are using software and financing to try to crack open the big residential market for solar power.

Searching for ways to improve Office

Microsoft offers up an alternative to the Ribbon interface: just search for the command you want. The add-on is the first product from a new Office Labs group.

Dell, HP launch AMD business desktops

Dell and HP launched AMD-based business desktops on Monday as AMD tries to gain more traction in small business.

Dell, HP launch AMD business desktops

Dell and HP launched AMD-based business desktops on Monday as AMD tries to gain more traction in small business.

Sonntag, 27. April 2008

Diagnose and repair hibernation problems

Fix Windows' inability to go into and come out of its sleep/hibernate modes.

Report: AMD targets small business

New initiative, called AMD Business Class, is aimed at making it easier for PC makers to tailor machines to small business, according to The Wall Street Journal.

EU launches second test satellite for Galileo

Giove-B, the second and last test satellite, will test the atomic clock and signal transmission of Europe's troubled satellite navigation program.

Microsoft denies fault in hacks

Attacks that have compromised half a million Web sites are not due to any new or unknown flaws in Microsoft IIS or SQL Server, according to the company's security response team.

Rumor: Apple to add tactile feedback to iPhone

Apple insider says the company is in talks with Immersion to license its haptic technology for use in the iPhone, according to a report.

Twitter gets another round of funding

Source says the term sheet is signed, sealed and delivered. Now we're just awaiting the official announcement.

Long before there was Twitter, there was AOL

Former AOL CEO Barry Schuler remembers what it is like to be the receiving end of outraged customers after an online service unexpectedly goes dark. He offers a lesson learned for Twitter.